Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Bonjour! Hello!

So this morning at Coffee Depot (which I can only assume is the Montrealian version of Starbucks) I experienced my new "worst." It is the following: 
When someone is on the phone in front of the sugar/milk/stirrer coffee bar. 
There is already a delicate dance required when you are in a busy coffee shop and everyone is trying to add the right amount of dairy and sugar product to their caffeine...throw in a woman in the middle of a deep conversation and now no one can get to the 2% or the sugar twin. Not to mention the fact that she is OBLIVIOUS...completely oblivious to the fact that four people are waiting for her to figure out when she wants to go to dinner with whomever she is on the phone with before they can proceed with their day. 
That's all. My new worst. 

Now, to counteract the negativity of having a new worst this morning, I would like to say that the bilingual situation happening in Montreal is pretty impressive. And hot. I don't mean "hot" in the new slang/Paris Hilton way...I mean actually hot, like sexy. Like when you are in the gym and the good looking short trainer guy starts speaking to his client in French it is extremely hot. Then he switches instantaneously to English when asking me if I am still using the ball. 
My response: "uh...what?...the ball? go for it."
My response in my head: "Why no, no I am not using the ball. Thanks so much for asking me in English. It's so difficult to be a single girl all alone in a foreign city. If only I had a strong trainer man to show me around and translate for me."
Alas, conversations in my head go so much better than in reality. 
So, here's to you hot trainer man....maybe you will read this blog and realize that you can love the girl in the white bandana who stared at you while singing country music at the gym all morning...maybe....

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